Video Transcript: Dr. John Hovanesian Insertion Technique
DEXTENZA® (dexamethasone ophthalmic insert) 0.4 mg. View of eye close up. Dry punctal area and dilate punctum thoroughly for depth and diameter. Doctor uses cotton swab to dry punctal area. After drying the punctal area, using blunt (non-toothed) forceps, grasp DEXTENZA and insert into the lower lacrimal canaliculus by pulling the lid temporally and inserting nasally. Insert DEXTENZA nasally [toward the nose]. Ensure DEXTENZA is placed just below the punctal opening. DEXTENZA® (dexamethasone ophthalmic insert) 0.4 mg. PP-US-DX-0185.
This is a clinical description of what’s being shown in the video.